Sunday, July 7, 2024

Year of the elusive plasmid

 For the last year, starting in July 2023, we at CCL have been attempting to assemble and verify a plasmid to use in the transformation of rice plants.  Two scientists from Johns Hopkins University visited us last July.  They brought the insert containing the gene to express GRFT.  Having no previous experience with plasmid assembly, this task involves a learning curve for me.  There have been multiple fails which are among other things, teachers.   We try not to repeat the same mistakes and like to think we are making progress.  

The situation with CCL seems more hopeful than it was during the last post I made here.  CAST is stepping in to see if they can purchase the Omni Commons.  In that case our lab is secured from having to wander about looking for a new home.   

It's an interesting summer that hasn't left much time for posting on this blog.  We're still alive and kickin'.


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