This year is presenting project GRFT with new sets of challenges.
Research work has been done at several locations by a small group of friends.
The project originated in Counter Culture Labs, a community biolab located in the Omni Commons Building in Oakland, CA
Counter Culture Labs is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit and project GRFT is one of CCL's several projects.
Omni Commons fell into financial instability, largely due to the pandemic. Now the historic building is facing forclosure in the near future.
We do volunteer work on project GRFT every week. If the building is sold, it could mean that it will be torn down and developers will build a condo like the one directly across the street.
Our lab there would be history. CCL would have to move out.
Would that mean the end of project GRFT?
It would be a serious setback. We are, however, survivors. We know how to improvise. We are used to living on the edge, and with having limited resources to work with. The road may get steeper, and this may slow us down, but it won't stop us. We'll meet the challenges as they arise. Project GRFT is here for the long haul and we are fortunate to have a wonderful crew of friends that we know are going to push forward with us even when it becomes more difficult. You know who you are. A huge thank you flies out to all of you.