Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blurry bands in gels?

This is a brilliant and simple fix to the problem of blurry bands we generally see in electrophoresis phosphorimager cassette images. The method uses foam-core which may be purchased inexpensively at an art supply store.  It produces higher resolution bands.  

Thunderous applause to the team at Penn State.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

CRISPER - Cas9 handbook

Genescript recently published "CRISPR Handbook: Enabling Genome Editing and Transforming Life Science Research" and they are making it available for free here.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

fiat lux

Let there be light. 

It has been said various places that light is the origin of life. 

But what is the nature of this light? 

In October 2016, astronomers reported that the very basic chemical ingredients of life—the carbon-hydrogen molecule (CH, or methylidyne radical), the carbon-hydrogen positive ion (CH+) and the carbon ion (C+)—are the result, in large part, of ultraviolet light from stars, rather than in other ways, such as the result of turbulent events related to supernovae and young stars, as thought earlier. (source wikipedia)

So - let there be Black Light, sisters and brothers...

Monday, October 3, 2016

BABEC Kickoff 2016 on video

For those who were not able to attend BABEC Kickoff 2016, here are videos of the speakers.  Thanks to BABEC (the acronym means Bay Area Biotechnology Education Consortium) and to the videographer, Daniel Michael of Biolink Depot, a man of many talents. Daniel also conducted the interview with biohacker Mary Ward, for this blog.