Saturday, December 5, 2015

for the mycophiles

Tomorrow, December 6, 2015 in San Francisco will be the 46th annual Fungus Fair put on by the Mycological Society of San Francisco.  
See the poster
 more information  
Part of the day we will be volunteering with Bay Area Applied Mycology 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

planning stages underway

It's a rainy day, much welcome in this drought-stricken state (California).   I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Here we are writing and revising our design and protocol for the premier experiment. We'll post more about this as we progress.  We will be making a propaganda video to raise the financing we need to get into the lab with all our materials and equipment ready to go.  Since we may or may not be successful at first, we'll work on raising enough for several experiments, fine tuning each time until we get the desired result.  Thanks for reading.